
Monday, 25 August 2014

Gem and Jo Take Connemara

You may have noticed that we haven't been posting as regularly as we usually do, that's because we have been in Connemara where there is absolutely NO internet or phone service!! (That's two trips we've been on where we survived with no internet! Success!) 
Now a lot of you are probably wondering what the hell a Connemara is, our Irish viewers probably won't be but for those that don't know, Connemara is a beautiful town on the coast of Galway. You can see it here, on this pretty little map, it's the area in the square! 
We stayed in Gem's granny's mobile home, which is really cosy, and it's literally a little, tiny walk over some small sand dunes to get to the Atlantic coast! 

The first night we got there the weather was a little wild and the tide was really high, because of the Supermoon!! So the beach wasn't very accessible that night but we got this pretty picture! 

The next day was a bit of a dud too, the weather was really not on our side but we donned our coats and hats and went walking along the beach while the tide was out! The good thing about this camping site is that the beach isn't too big, so with kids and dogs they can never get too far away from you, but it also the perfect size for a nice little walk to stretch your legs! 

Now our third day there was absolutely glorious and we took advantage of it! We went pier diving, which we unfortunately didn't get any pictures of because you know, sand and sea do not mix well with our lovely little telephones or cameras! We even managed to squeeze in one more walk on the beach before we left for the 3+ hour journey home! These pictures really show the beauty of the Irish coasts! 

Another beautiful part of this little camping site is that both the journey to and the site itself are surrounded by the most breathtaking mountains and from the camp site you can see the largest mountain in Connacht (which is a province of Ireland, kinda like a State in America)

And there's a really cute donkey called Ned who lives right beside the site!! (We found that he really likes when you feed him carrots!!) The only downfall to having Ned so close? He loves to have a little sing-song at 4 in the morning! 

Thanks for reading guys and we hoped you liked this post, we certainly enjoyed going on this adventure and we would love to hear if you guys have ever been to the west coast of Ireland, or any part of Ireland! Tell us in the comments!! 

Until Next Time, 
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