
Sunday, 21 September 2014

Gem and Jo's DIY Body Scrub

We have been on a bit of a coconut oil kick lately, You might have seen our DIY hair mask post where we used coconut oil to make our hair lovely and shiny, but we also love using this magical stuff to make our very own body scrub. Body scrubs can be super expensive some times but this scrub can be made using ingredients you can find in your local supermarket for super cheap. So lets jump right in and we'll show you guys how to scrub your way to super soft and silky skin.

What you'll need:
1.Coconut Oil 
3.Lemon Juice
4.A container to store the scrub
5.Measuring spoons and cups

How to make it:

Add three table spoons of coconut oil to the plastic container. 
The coconut oil acts as both a skin softener and a moisturizer.  
Add Two table spoons of lemon juice to the mixture. The lemon juice acts as a weak chemical exfoliator and will also help to soften the skin. 

Add a cup of sugar to the mixture. We use sugar here as opposed to salt as salt can be drying on the skin and we want incredibly moisturized goddess like skin. Sugar helps to moisturize your skin and acts as a physical exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and all the kind of icky stuff that we don't want clogging up our pores!

Place the lid on your container, and in the wise words of OutKast, shake it like a Polaroid picture, (or if you're old fashioned you can just give it a good stir). And voila, there you have it, your very own, incredible smelling, Body scrub. Go forth and be silky soft and moisturized!

How we use it :
We like to use this scrub about once a week in the shower. We love using this before shaving to give us marvelously smooth, soft and silky legs. We don't however recommend using this wondrous mixture before self tanning, as the oil in it can react with tanners and you could end up looking like you've painted army camouflage all over your body... not good (unless of course you are going for that look, in which case more power to you, we don't judge here!).  Also if you do have particularly sensitive skin we recommend, like with all things, to try it out on a small patch of skin before tackling your whole body, (we don't think you'll have a problem with it but precautions people, precautions!). Just use this lovely stuff on wet skin, wash it off with shower gel and marvel at your velvety soft skin. 

Thanks for reading, we hope that you'll enjoy this scrub and if you do try it out be sure to let us know what you think. 
Until next time

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  1. I love coconut oil it's my fave hair mask, so moisturising. I'm so going to try the scrub!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Amy! This scrub is amazing and we definitely recommend using it before shaving for super silky legs! Happy scrubbing!
      XO Gem and Jo
