
Monday, 20 October 2014

Gem and Jo's College Knowledge

As you probably already know if you're a regular reader, both of us are currently college students! If you're just about to start college or are trying to decide on what course to take next year, then you should take a look at our other college posts Here and Here. Today we shall share what courses we are taking and why we love them so much!

Jo's Degree
I was never really totally sure of what I wanted to do as a career.  So I decided to go with a college course that opened up a lot of options for me and didn't limit me to having one career choice at the end. That course my friends was an arts degree. For those of you that don't know an arts degree is not a degree where I have to sit down all day and paint pictures (trust me if it was that I'd be failing with flying colours). Instead it's a course where you choose to study three subjects in 1st year, and then drop one of them for your final two years. I knew that I wanted to study music and English and then decided to go with something completely different and chose geography as my third subject.


I hadn't studied geography for my leaving cert and was a little worried that I might be behind other people, however this was not the case at all. Geography is one of those subjects in college that you can start from scratch with and not be miles behind everyone else. I really loved studying it in first year and we got study both the human geography side of things as well as the earth science parts (admittedly not my best part, way too many rock names)
Something that I really loved about geography was the fact that it was a really interactive subject. We weren't just sitting back and taking notes, we were really involved with the lectures and that made it easier to learn. We also got to do a lot of group work which was great as I got to meet a lot of new people.
Although I loved geography, I ended up dropping it as my other two subjects fit together much better.


I've always loved music and knew it was something I wanted to do in college (I'm a bit of a music geek). For my degree we get to study all the different eras of music and get to listen to loads of different types, From crazy out electronic music to the more gentle classical music. This year I'm studying a history of rock and pop music which is probably my favourite module I've had so far.
In my degree we also get to do a lot of performance and everyone gets one on one tutoring for Their instrument. Then at the end each year we then have a grade like exam. Sounds scary but its actually a lot of fun and its a good break from the books.
We also have the choice to do composition which I did in my second year and quickly found out that I suck at composition. But you know, that might just be your thing!


People tend to be really frightened of studying English in university because of all the reading, but to be totally honest, English doesn't have a hell of a lot more than any other subject.
What I love about studying English is that you really get to explore a wide range of writings. From classics like Jane Eyre to teenage literature like the hunger games (yes we had seminars on the hunger games!). My favourite part has to be the dramas that we study. In first year we had the chance to study a brand new drama, Drumbelly. It was an awesome play about New York gangsters in the 1960s (not exactly Shakespeare, am I right?).
This year I'm doing a module on Hollywood cinema. For this module we have to sit around and watch movies like Singing in the rain and Psycho (not too shabby eh?).

Gem's Degree
Before going to college I had wanted to become a teacher, ever since I started first year of my undergraduate course I have changed my mind a hundred more times and between now and the end of this year, I'll probably change it again but one thing is constant. My absolute and utter love for geography.
I hadn't studied geography since I was 14 and doing my Junior Certificate in secondary school, I had chosen history instead. When I arrived at college, just after turning 18, I decided it was time for a change and I went with geography and I honestly don't know what I would be doing if I hadn't chosen it. I absolutely love it and it's not just a subject in my degree, it's my passion. So far I haven't done a module that I haven't liked, they are all interesting in their own way. However, I have had a few favourites.
I studied climatology in my second year and I would jump at the chance to do a whole degree in it. I loved that module and everything it was about. This year, my final year, I am doing Key Physical Geography skills and it's as if this module was made for me! We get to go on trips to do field analysis and then we get to work in the biology labs! It is seriously interesting and I am so excited to be able to do it!

I have done business studies since I was 13 and I loved it all through secondary school, I aced every exam I was given. I even had my own business for a while, I made cute little greeting cards! So naturally I chose it in college. It is such an interesting subject and everything in the real world relates back to it! Also it'll be dead handy when I go looking for a job! I love the business side of blogging too! Networking and doing budgets is in my nature at this stage so with Jo's english degree and my business degree we should be here for a long while yet!
The only thing with business is, it kind of takes a back seat in relation to geography and I know I should concentrate on it more, but I just love geography so much!
My favourite modules in business? Human Resource Management and Marketing! I love the people side of things, I could not bear it if I ended up in a job where there was minimal human contact, I'm just a naturally social person!
Medieval and Celtic Studies
I chose medieval and Celtic studies for a subject in first year, and I dropped it when I continued into second year. However it was an incredibly interesting subject and I loved learning about Irish folklore and mythology, plus my lecturer was the cutest little woman who was so sweet! This was the perfect subject for first year, it was interesting and I really enjoyed the lectures. We also went on a field trip to Newgrange! If you don't know what Newgrange is, check it out Here, it is a crazy, super old, tomb which on the summer and winter solstice, the sun illuminates the inside! It's truly amazing and you should definitely go if you're in Ireland.
Here's my friend Rachel and I outside the tomb:

So there you have it, our college degrees. If you have any questions or if you guys would just like to say hey, be sure to leave us a comment, we really do love to hear from you!
Until next time,

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