
Saturday, 15 November 2014

Gem, Jo and a Solid Brass Panther.

This honestly has to be the randomest post we've ever done, however, there was a solid brass panther and it had to be cleaned. Therefore we will bestow upon you the knowledge of how to clean a solid brass panther using simple ingredients you have at home.

Here is the solid brass panther:
He was placed upon some old newspaper to keep our pretty kitchen table clean. 
Also some context for you: Gem's father likes to bring her home extremely random gifts, this solid brass panther is one of them. The day he brought it home he also had 15 garden hoes, 8 glass cups and a ceramic cat badge. Gem's dad has very strange ideas of what a 20 year old girl would like as a gift. 

To clean the panther we used these products:
  • Salt
  • Vinegar
  • Flour
  • Gloves
  • Small cup
You might also want to have a cloth and an old toothbrush.

You're gonna want half a small cup of vinegar, a teaspoon of salt and a whole load of flour. 
Mix them together until it forms a paste. You need to just keep adding flour until it's toothpaste consistency. 
Then comes the messy bit!
Just slap some of the paste onto your panther, or other brass objects and start rubbing. It takes some elbow grease and the toothbrush is handy for nooks and crannies. Make sure to be gentle with the brush so you don't scratch the metal! 
When you think you've cleaned it enough, put a whole load of the paste onto the brass and let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse off. 
And Voila! A wonderfully clean solid brass panther as seen below:

Now go place that clean panther in a place of pride! Gem's keeping hers on a side table beside a picture of her cute as a button cousin John. 

Where would you keep your solid brass panther? Did we say solid brass panther enough in this post? Let us know, these are the important questions in life.

Until next time,

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