
Friday, 13 February 2015

Gem and Jo's Valentine's Lips Picks

Ah Valentine's Day, the smell of roses, the cute romantic couples proposing to each other everywhere and then there's us. We will be celebrating the occasion with some frozen pizza and a tub of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough. Exciting, we know. However, if you have managed to bag yourself someone special, we are here to help with the toughest decision of the day: What lipstick should you wear?

In this particular situation you have a couple of things to consider:
  • How much kissing will you be doing? Cheek or otherwise. 
  • What's your outfit like, would a little lipstick push you towards hoochie mama? (You don't want that.. or maybe some do, no judgement!)
  • Are you going to a meal? (P.s. don't pick ribs.)
If there will be kissing or eating a dark, hard to maintain lipstick is out of the question. There is nothing worse than passing by your reflection and realizing all that kissing has smudged your lip colour all over your face. The actual horror. However a light, subtle colour wouldn't be as noticeable or leave your date with red-face! If you want lips that are sure not to budge keep reading:

Lip Stains
This has to be the best way to go. You get the coloured lips you want and you won't leave said colour all over your dates face. That's gotta be a plus in our opinion! However keep in mind, stains may dry out your lips, so keep a little translucent lip balm with you to keep those puckers kissable.

Maybelline 10hr Stain Gloss
(adds a little shine when first applied but fades to a unmovable stain)
Primark P.S. Love lip Stain Pen. 

Lip Balm
You could always go the route of no lip colour and let your natural lip shade shine! Just bring along a little lip balm! You could bring scented, unscented, etc! Plus if it's scented your date will probably get a whiff and be more inclined to smooch! A lightly tinted lip balm is a safe enough area too, just try to steer clear of intensely pigmented balms though, the same principal applies: dates face = lipstick-ified *shudder*.

Here's some lip balms that would work perfectly:

Nivea Essential Care Lip Balm

Vaseline Aloe Vera Lip Therapy 
(Pretty sure everyone has a billion of these in their house!)
Nivea Fruity Shine lip balm in Peach. 
(a soft tint and this stuff smells amazing!)

If you're gonna go the route of lipstick (you are brave and we salute you!), here are some of our top Lipstick picks for this Valentine's Day:
Elizabeth Arden: Red Door Red 

Elizabeth Arden: Breathless

Natural Collection: Sweet Pea. 

Ladies, we do have one thing to ask of you. Please, please for the love of that's holy and sacred: don't wear lipgloss! Lads do not like it! To them you have the lips of a two year old: sticky and unappealing. We asked around and they confirm this, for some reason most boys don't understand the wonderous-ness of lipgloss. Weirdos. 
Don't forget to check out our DIY Lip Scrub to prepare your pout!

What are you planning this Valentines? What's your lip pick gonna be? 

Until next time,
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