
Monday, 2 March 2015

Gem and Jo's Water of the Week - Orange and Blueberry

Welcome, welcome, welcome to another Water of the Week! This week we're gonna be chugging Orange and Blueberry water, here's how you can make this combo too: 

What you need:

And Orange, preferably a big one so you can slice it up.

Blueberries! Ours are frozen so they keep our drink cool!

Chop up the orange into thin slices, and chop them in half if they don't fit into your water bottle!
Then chuck the fruit and ice into the jug/water bottle and drink away! Yum!

Here's why this combo is great for you!
  • Blueberries and oranges are bursting with Vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system and keep your gums healthy!
  • Munching on some blueberries has been thought to reduce the risk of cancer!
  • Blueberries also boost brain health
  • Eating oranges promotes good heart health
  • Oranges can help to improve skin damage from the sun, either through eating or applying it topically!
Those are some mighty fine reasons to enjoy this fruity combo this week! God knows we could all do with some brain health!

What water combo will you be drinking this week?

Until next time, 
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