
Monday, 9 March 2015

Gem and Jo's Water of the Week - Orange and Lemon

If you've been reading lately you've probably gotten the hang of our weekly water posts! If you're a new reader, welcome! Every week we post a new fruit infused water recipe. Mostly we post on Mondays so we can start the week off right! This week, we're gonna be drinking lots of Orange and Lemon water, fresh and fruity! 

Here's what you need:

An Orange!

A Lemon!

A jug with lots of ice! 

Slice the lemon and orange up into nice little slices, remember to make sure the slices fit into your water bottle! 
Chuck everything (except any pips!) into the ice water and get yourself a glass and start sipping!

Here's why this combo is good for you: 
  • Lemon water gives your immune system a good boost cause it's full of Vitamin C!
  • Lemon also aids digestion and cleanses your system. 
  • Lemon freshens your breath and helps to keep your skin clear!
  • Oranges boost heart health!
  • Oranges are known to help to reduce the risk of a number of illnesses, including kidney infections!
So get chugging you guys, who would pass up such a healthy, tasty drink!

What water will you be drinking this week? Will you try this one?

Until next time,
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1 comment:

  1. I love drinking water like this ! Great post girls
