
Monday, 23 March 2015

Gem and Jo's Water of the Week - Strawberry and Lemon

And it's back! Water of the week took an unscheduled break last week, lets just blame it on someone else and not our inability to remember the simple things. It's all George's fault. Whoever George is. 
This week it's Strawberry and Lemon, a really refreshing and light combo. Perfect for this time of year! 
Here's what you need: 


A Lemon!

Thinly slice your strawberries and lemons, don't forget to make sure the slices fit in your water bottle!
Chuck everything into some icy water and off you go.

Here's why this combo is good for you: 
  • Both lemons and strawberries are go to detoxing fruits for when you're feeling a little unwell or generally want to feel better and healthier. 
  • Strawberries are high in water and fibre content!
  • Strawberry and lemon water is thought to have the ability to flush your liver of toxins!
  • Lemon water is a natural digestion aid and can stave off hunger during a diet!
  • Strawberries whiten your teeth while lemons help your skin!
What water are you drinking this week? Have you tried any other fruit infused waters?

Until next time, 
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