
Friday, 10 April 2015

Gem, Jo and The Versatile Blogger Award.

Well hello there! Today we're posting something a little different to our usual! It's a tag post known as The Versatile Blogger Award, and we were so excited to be nominated by Libby from Chibby Beauty, who is just the sweetest for thinking of us!
If you're not sure what the Versatile Blogger Award is, it's a pass-it-on kind of thing, where bloggers who were nominated, choose 15 other bloggers that they believe are worthy of the award and then they pass it on too. And in the post you tell your readers 7 things about yourself. Simple! 

For the awesome bloggers we nominate, here are the rules! 

The Rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and leave a link to their blog.
2. Tell your readers 7 things about yourself.
3. Link to 15 bloggers that you have recently discovered or read regularly.
4. Let them know you nominated them for the Versatile Blogger Award

7 Things about Gem: 
1. I love crime tv shows, I watch nearly every single one of them. 
2. I have a prescription for glasses for driving but I hardly ever wear them when I drive. Oops. 
3. I've broken my ankle playing Badminton. And football. And when I was swimming. 
4. Related to number 3, I'm the biggest clutz to ever walk the earth. 
5. I won an award in Home Economics in Secondary school a week after burning the school kitchen down. 
6. In about 3 weeks I'll have finished a degree and I still feel about 9 years old.
7. I have the weirdest best friend. She also happens to own half this blog. Awkward. 

7 Things about Jo:
1. I've gotten my hands stuck in both an ice machine and a vending maching. Yes I am that clumsy. 
2. I own over 50 pairs of sunglasses, all the same shape but in different colours, which is kinda weird since I now have to wear prescription sunglasses. 
3. There's a running joke in college that I am fantastic at parkour, when the reality is that I can't even do a handstand!
4. I am just about to finish my degree but I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. 
5. I love dogs and every time I see one I revert back into my five year old self
6. I am a tea-aholic. It doesn't matter what kind of tea it is, I will drink it, and I will drink it by the bucketful. 
7. My best friend thinks I'm the weirdest but she decided to be friends with me so that doesn't say much about her sanity!

Bloggers we nominate:
Now, we know you're supposed to nominate 15 bloggers but we have been so slammed with college work lately that we haven't even had a chance to sit down and do some good ole fashion blog binge reading. But, here are a couple of the blogs that we've been loving when we have a minute to breathe: 

Thanks again to Libby for nominating us. If you haven't go check her blog by clicking here

Until next time,
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1 comment:

  1. You have a lovely blog :-)
    Alex //
