
Monday, 8 June 2015

Gem and Jo's Post Exam De-Stress

Everyone is always going on about how to stay calm and collected before and during exams but a lot of people forget to take care of themselves after the tests are over. As exam veterans ourselves, we've dealt with them for a long time now, we have a few things we like to do once our exams are over and we can finally chill.

The most important thing is to watch your health.

Have you ever noticed that as soon as your exams are over you come down with a cold? We call that the 'post-exam sickness'. All the stress and pressure you've put on yourself during the exams finally comes to a head and you make yourself physically ill. Make sure you're keeping your immune system in tip-top shape by taking vitamins, eating healthy and making sure you get in some sort of exercise (a simple walk or a game of footie with friends).

Make a list of things you would like to do over the summer.
Having goals stops you from looking back in September and saying "jeez we actually did nothing all summer". Making plans to see friends and go places means you won't have the regret of staying in bed all summer long.

Pick up a book.
This is one of the things we were most excited about when we finished our exams. The opportunity to read a book that hadn't been assigned by school or college was honestly the best feeling. Whether it's a new cookbook or a novel, pick it up and start reading. (Somewhere in  Between is by an amazing Irish Author!)

Pamper yourself.

In the days after your exam you need to pamper yourself, take a luxurious bath or even go as far as booking you and your bestie into a spa for the day. Either way you will feel the benefits of that pampering straight away.

Clean your bedroom.
We don't know about you but during our exams our bedrooms became bombsites. We just didn't have the time to clean between trying to feed ourselves and cramming as much information as possible. Now that the exams are over, take the time to spring clean your bedroom. The less clutter and mess, the less stressed you'll feel. Maybe even take the time to re-arrange your room and give yourself a clean start and a fresh feel.

What do you do to de-stress after exams? 

Until next time,
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